
The Stable Dallas Housing Market

We apologize for the hiatus and not posting for about a month, but we are back in business. There is good housing news all over the place. Let's start with the article on dallasnews.com today.

The article states that the Dallas housing market "ranks among the top metro areas based on expected home price performance this year, according to Local Market Monitor, a North Carolina housing sector consultant". Now we, as readers of this blog, already knew that, but it is nice to find ANOTHER independent company to reaffirm that fact.

The article quotes the spokeswoman for Local Market Monitor as saying "Home values for the Dallas-Plano-Irving Metropolitan Statistical Area are forecast to remain constant over the next 12 months" while the rest of the country will see a decline. So, it appears that the Dallas market is stable, and will soon be on its way up.

The article:
Dallas Market Stability

This Happy News Brought To You By:
Newport Homebuilders

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