

There have been some commercials on the radio about this new website, fixhousingfirst.com. I was intrigued, so I checked it out.

It is no mystery that we are in a recession. For those of you who do not follow the news closely, the recession was started in the housing industry. The fall of the housing industry is bringing down the entire economy. So, the logical solution to helping correct the downward turn of the economy would be to fix the housing market first. With a flourishing housing market, the rest of the economy will follow suit, pulling us out of this recession.

The website has very specific plans laid out and calls for all of us Americans to contact our Congressional representatives and let them know that helping the housing industry first will expedite the recovery of our economy. The site quotes many economic experts advising Congress that the housing market is the key to fixing the economy. It also cites a 1975 study that shows that when the economy was in trouble in 1975, helping the housing market helped the entire economy turn around, quickly and permanently.

Please go to the website and get informed on this issue. The economy is affecting us all and we must do our part to help correct it. This site is a good place to start.

This Happy News Brought To You By:
Newport Homebuilders

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